On the 11th May 2024, IIUM Roboteam was invited to give a one-day training on Lego Robot to 20 Form 4 students from SM Teknik Melaka.
The objective was to give an exposure to the Form 4 students on how to assemble the Lego robot and program it to do a pick-an-place task as a preparation for NRC organized by Sasbadi on the 19th of May 2024.
Alhamdulillah, by the end of the day, the objective was achieved. We taught the students how to program the distance sensor to do object detection, as well as the colour sensor to detect objects of different colours.
In the afternoon, we had a simple competition where each group had to program their robot to move forward, detect an object, pick it if it is green colour, and go back to the starting point to drop the object. One group managed to perform the task perfectly and hence won first place.
Alhamdulillah, the kids had fun, and we also learned something new here and there.
Thank you to SM Teknik Melaka for the invitation and hopefully we will have more collaborations in the future.